We are a nonprofit collective of legal workers

who provide free legal services to Oregonians. We aim to tear down legal barriers that stop our community from enjoying each members’ full participation; to find legal, educational, and systemic solutions to racial, social, and economic injustice; and to work toward dismantling oppressive legal systems.

Our Model

The CLEAR Clinic provides pro se and limited-scope legal assistance for broad scale, community-oriented access to justice. Our legal system operates under the false assumption that people should be able to navigate many complex, obstacle-ridden legal processes on their own. The CLEAR Clinic helps people navigate these systems and processes on a limited-scope basis, to allow us to assist as many people as possible in finding access to justice.

This model has the added benefit of empowering individuals to be more involved in their own advocacy. It also allows us to reframe access to justice as a solution that feels just for the impacted community member, as opposed to seeking a specific remedy under the law. 

Low- and moderate-income people find barriers to justice at every turn. The legal system is a maze that can be almost impossible to navigate without help. We provide innovative, broad-scale efforts to expand access to justice for all Oregonians.

What We Do

We provide drop-in legal clinics all over the Portland metro (tri-county) area, including at recovery centers, and at other locations around Oregon. At these drop-in clinics we offer criminal record expungements, court fines and fee waiver assistance, eviction expungements, legal name and gender-marker changes, enrollment in our immigration programs, and more.

Check our our calendar of drop-in legal clinics here:

Our other programs include both limited-scope and full-scope deportation defense legal services, DACA renewals and immigrant worker justice services, eviction defense for Portland residents, tenant advocacy, and community resource navigation.

We pride ourselves on having deep and collaborative connections with community-based organizations and community members who share our vision.

Our Services

Criminal Record Relief

We provide free criminal record expungement services, free SB 819 applications, and free eviction record expungement services. To find out your expungement eligibility, fill out our intake form below.


The CLEAR Clinic provides free deportation legal defense, free DACA renewal legal assistance, and free legal services to immigrant workers facing workplace mistreatment.

Name & Gender-Marker Changes

The CLEAR Clinic can assist in legal name and gender-marker changes.

Eviction Expungement & Tenant Advocacy

The CLEAR Clinic provides free Eviction Expungement and Tenant Advocacy legal services.


This is a calendar of our drop-in clinics. You do not need to have an appointment during these clinics.

Services provided:

  • Criminal Record Expungement

  • Eviction Expungement

  • Name and Gender Marker Changes

  • Immigration referrals

  • Immigration Screenings and Advice*

*= if an immigration attorney is not present at the walk-in clinic, you will be referred to a CLEAR Clinic attorney.

Drop-in Clinic Locations

Clackamas Clean Slate

108 11th St

Oregon City, OR


Miracles Club

4200 NE MLK Jr Blvd

Portland, OR


Outside In

1226 SW 12th Ave

Gresham, OR


Bridges to Change

7916 Southeast Foster Road #201

Portland, OR


Club Hope

100 SE Cleveland Ave

Gresham, OR


PCC Cascade

5624 N Borthwick Ave

Terrel Hall # 204

Portland, OR